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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why Should You Pursue a Full-time MBA?

Professionals looking forward to getting a leap in their career have two choices in front of them- a part-time MBA and a full-time MBA. There is a lot of buzz about part-time MBA that there would be a steady flow of income, there will be no break in the career, and professionals can save a lot of money and much more. There is no denying that many of the best colleges for MBA provide both choices. However, there are certain drawbacks of a part-time MBA, that put these courses at the backseat. 

So here are the points that will guide you on why you should choose a full-time MBA course. 

  1. Part-time programmes cannot provide you with a major jump in your career.
  2. You get disconnected with the full-time students' community.
  3. The part-time MBA grads make marginal improvements to their salaries.
  4. The full-time programme students are given priority over part-time students during recruitment.
  5. Full-time MBA graduates are capable enough of becoming an entrepreneur themselves and can create a network outside the current one, which is not really offered by part-time MBA programme.
  6. The format of the full-time MBA course is better than those of part-time. Moreover, it has a set enrolment criterion, which assesses the capabilities of the candidates, which in turn makes an individual- competitive.

The employers these days tend to value a full-time MBA graduate due to drawbacks of part-time courses. If you want to pursue post graduation in management, you must get enrolled yourself in any of the best MBA colleges in India. But, before you enroll, ensure that you have taken account of all the benefits of a full-time MBA programme.