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Friday, July 19, 2019

Sports Career You can opt for After MBA

One thing that unites everyone despite their backgrounds, age, or gender is the excitement that sports and their favorite teams generate. What a lot of people do not know that it is possible to join the sports industry after their MBA. There are a number of opportunities that you will get at the best MBA colleges, but if you are someone who is a fanatic for sports and wish to join the industry someday, you would be glad to know that is possible. There are a number of positions that are waiting to be filled by talented professionals like you. All you need is a little push in the right direction.

Sports need management as well, be it the bigger teams, sports goods manufacturers, sports authorities, or sports media. Here is a list of the best jobs that you can consider for kickstarting your career in the sports industry, as an MBA.

     Club Manager: Easily the most prestigious job in the sports industry, the work of a club manager is to maintain the operations that go around the place. Be it team selections, hiring for various positions, advising the management, manage expenses, and overseeing the marketing of the club, a club manager is always expected to be at his best, and possess knowledge of every aspect of the club.

     Sports Journalism: News is an important part of what the public and the fans know about the events happening in their favorite sport. And as a sports journalism goes, the eyeballs are always open. It is a known fact that the final for the FIFA World Cup 2018 was seen by 3.5 Billion people, almost half the world. And that was achieved by an efficient network of broadcasters.

     Sporting Goods: Sporting goods is probably one of the biggest industries in the world. And to manage at any level of these prestigious organizations is a great opportunity. Be it retail, or manufacturing, sporting goods are really fun to work with.

     Sports Marketer: As an MBA, a person has exceptional marketing skills. Sports marketers use these skills to create the right buzz for their product or athlete that they are representing. Alongside the marketing skills, a graduate from the best MBA Colleges in Jaipur will also need to build people and inventory skills. Using the resources at hand, a qualified sports marketer can create more income, build repo, and sell out the tickets of almost any event.

     Public Relations (PR) Manager: Any and every organization has a reputation in the eyes of the public. It is the job of a Public Relations Manager to make sure that the image works out in the benefit of who or what they represent by creating the right propaganda, mitigating crisis, and reducing the negative potential of any news.

     Sports Agent: Agents represent individuals in every walk of life. Their job is to showcase their client in the right place and the brightest of light so the one who’s looking for their talent will pick up on them. This requires amazing people skills and marketing skills, both of which a qualified MBA will have in abundance.

Your career in the sports industry needs a little bit of extra attention from your end towards the development of certain skills that the organizations in the world are actually looking for. Let your skills back you and your career will become plain sailing for you.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Top 5 Soft Skills Students must Acquire

Skills are no longer limited to just knowledge acquired from books. Jobs now require professionals to perform a magnitude of tasks which cannot be done without certain additional skills. Traditional offices have evolved over time and workplaces now require professionals to interact with many individuals from different domains which necessitate the need of acquiring soft skills. Top MBA Colleges in India provide training and certification to students in their final year. Such training is very useful for students in getting their first job and also in performing well while being on their job. 

Some soft skills that must be acquired by students to have a lucrative career are: -
  1. Communication Skills: - Workplaces have evolved as a very complicated yet simple arrangement. No work is carried out by one individual in an organisation; every task is performed in steps which require team members to communicate progress among them. Good communication skills are very imperative for professionals at every stage of their professional career.
  2. Listening Skills: - It is very important to inculcate listening skills by professionals. You may be a manager or you may be an executive but, you will require patient listening skills in order to improve communication. A good listener always gains a lot from the other person which is very essential for growth in your professional life.
  3. Leadership Skills: - A good leader can inspire others to do well and give their 100% in every task they perform. Not everyone is born with leadership qualities, such quality must be inculcated through various activities during student life. All organisations require good managers to lead self-motivated teams. Professionals with such skills have an edge over their peers during promotions.
  4. Adaptability: - Every organisation has a different way of getting work done. Set patterns are flowed in every organisation to carry out work efficiently. Every professional must have a flexible attitude towards their work life expectations. One must be ready to adapt to the new culture and framework followed in different organisations in order to succeed in a career. Topmanagement institute in Lucknow encourages students to pursue internships in multiple organisations which helps them to get an insight into different industries and also prepares them to become a more flexible professional.
  5. Problem Solving Skills: - Every individual encounters a problem during his/her professional life. Not every individual is good at everything, which necessitates a need for an organisation where everyone can learn from their peers and then use those skills in the future if the same problem arises. Managers must have a very positive attitude towards every problem faced by the team as problems can be solved only by keeping a calm mind.
Students must develop these skills during their college days by participating in events organised by the college and also inter-college events. Such events give students a platform to interact with other students and professors from different departments which gives them an insight of the various fields. Soft skills are very imperative in today’s competitive job culture. We hope this article gave you a heads-up on what all skills you need to work on. All the best!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Top 4 Career Choices after PGDM in Operations

Post Graduate Diploma in Management or PGDM is essentially a diploma course offered by various management institutes for students who wish to improve their career prospects after completing their graduation in a particular business or management field. Unlike usual PGDM courses offered at top management institute in LucknowPGDM in Operations is a quite offbeat study major. It mostly comprises of technical prospects and therefore best suits candidates with sound technical knowledge or considerable experience in the field of engineering.

An operation manager ideally has to look over various day to day issues and upkeep of a production line or business process involving heavy machinery and skill based work load. Candidates having sufficient experience in the technical line of work can easily apply for a diploma course in operations in order to hone their skills and career prospects by several notches.

For graduates who feel doubtful about pursing a PGDM course in Operation management,  here are top 5 lucrative career lines which an operations graduate can easily secure:


Logistics is the heart of production domain because without efficient load shipments no production or manufacturing plant can flourish. After completing a diploma course in operation management from best placement colleges Lucknow, candidates can easily secure high paying job profiles across renowned logistics firms. 

Their main responsibilities would be to monitor and conduct efficient manufacturing, marketing and shipment routines across distant locations.Career aspirants can also take up work profiles like supply chain management and work with renowned production houses to improve production quantity, quality and economy.

Supply Chain Manager

Joining as a Supply chain manager can provide a necessary boost to an operation graduate, who will be responsible to manage and control the entire transportation facet of a production plant. Students with PGDM in operations management look after the demand and supply of production goods from production plant to the end customer retail outlet.

Quality Control

As a quality control officer, operation graduates would be responsible to check and maintain the best quality of goods being produced at a certain manufacturing plant. QC managers mostly associate with the entire production process and ensure that every single product strongly adhere to the client guidelines and market standards.

Warehouse Management

Simply put, the responsibilities of a warehouse manager are to maintain adequate supply stock and ensure utmost security and safety across the workplace. He also takes care of the management and timely deliveries to the market and overseeing training and monitoring of staff performance.

Other than these, there are plenty of job profiles available for PGDM graduates in Indian and overseas territory.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Career Benefits of Choosing MBA in Retail Management?

In past few years, India has developed as a nation with great career benefits not just for technical grads but also for students with appreciable field knowledge and specialization. Considering the ever-growing market competition for job spots in India, an MBA with industry specialization becomes largely essential to differentiate from the crowd and avail good job opportunities for oneself.

Students passing out from MBA college in Delhi essentially top the competitive grounds to secure better work position as compared to fresh graduates. An MBA degree in retail management can be of significant advantage to students, especially when market dominance of Indian retail sector is increasingly going up.

The matter of fact is top IIM institutes also offer various PG specializations to graduating students who wish to take up top managerial position in emerging corporates and business firms.

 MBA fields like marketing, HR, Finance, etc. garner a huge adoration among business aspirants who wish to take up admission in top MBA colleges inIndia to avail first-rate exposure and technicalities of the field. MBA graduates can then serve on top administrative positions in renowned international firms and build good fortunes for themselves.

Retail Management

At present, Admission in MBA course for Retail management and studies is gaining good grounds in India, thanks to the growing popularity of retail sector and expanding work domain.  India has largely turned into an educational hub today with more than many renowned institutes available to pick from in order to take up higher field studies.

Retail management is one such area which has lately picked up great significance in the modern business sector. It mostly deals with practice of promoting greater sales and customer satisfaction to improve market prepotency. The course lets students gain better understanding of consumer goods and services along with various measures and actions to improve monetary aspects.

Work areas

At core, an MBA course in retail management allows a student to develop good understanding in various types of retail practices like online and omni-channel retailing. The course also covers various sub fields of retail sector like management, sales and marketing, study of broad and emerging market segments, businesses expansion basics, advertising and campaigning, market research and online retail business to name a few.

However, the main focus still remains on the practice of traditional retail management along with ways to improve customer relations and sales.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3 Key Roles of HR Managers in a Startup Environment

The startup ecosystem has been attracting millennial like a magnet and why not?... Startups come with a unique set of challenges unseen in traditional workplaces. As such the roles and responsibilities of an HR in a startup can be taxing as well as exciting. Today top MBA collegesin India ensure that future HR managers are equipped with the right set of skills that add value to the startup workplace. Many commentators argue that startups can do without HR and they could not be have been more wrong.  To break this myth we list 3 key roles that HR managers play in a startup environment.

1. Hiring:

HR in startups are like 'Heimdall'.  If you are a fan of Thor you would remember Heimdall as the ever-vigilant guardian of Asgard. In the same way, HR in startups have to be very well informed, clever, vigilant and intuitive so that they can hire someone who best fits the role and the workplace culture. Hiring a wrong individual who is not fit for the job can have strictly decelerating  consequences at the very beginning of the startup's journey.

2. Smooth Onboarding:

Startups work on deadlines which means new recruits have little time to get acquainted and accustomed to the workflow. This makes the role of the HR extremely important who plays a key role in ensuring that the on board process is quick with zero-friction.

3. Policy Framing:

This is the most important role and is paramount for withering the in-house roadblocks that the startup will face during its journey. A well-structured policy helps in smoothing the daily work process for the employees and the organization with zero-friction. MBA College in Delhi offers a course curriculum that pays strong impetus on various policy frameworks ranging from recruitment, financial, to termination.

Today HR Managers have to put on multiple hats in a startup environment. For those who love challenges, it can be an adventure worth savoring a lifetime. Last but not least a proven skill set in employee relations and human resources pays HR managers exceedingly in the long run which makes a startup the perfect nursery to hone these skills.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why Should You Pursue a Full-time MBA?

Professionals looking forward to getting a leap in their career have two choices in front of them- a part-time MBA and a full-time MBA. There is a lot of buzz about part-time MBA that there would be a steady flow of income, there will be no break in the career, and professionals can save a lot of money and much more. There is no denying that many of the best colleges for MBA provide both choices. However, there are certain drawbacks of a part-time MBA, that put these courses at the backseat. 

So here are the points that will guide you on why you should choose a full-time MBA course. 

  1. Part-time programmes cannot provide you with a major jump in your career.
  2. You get disconnected with the full-time students' community.
  3. The part-time MBA grads make marginal improvements to their salaries.
  4. The full-time programme students are given priority over part-time students during recruitment.
  5. Full-time MBA graduates are capable enough of becoming an entrepreneur themselves and can create a network outside the current one, which is not really offered by part-time MBA programme.
  6. The format of the full-time MBA course is better than those of part-time. Moreover, it has a set enrolment criterion, which assesses the capabilities of the candidates, which in turn makes an individual- competitive.

The employers these days tend to value a full-time MBA graduate due to drawbacks of part-time courses. If you want to pursue post graduation in management, you must get enrolled yourself in any of the best MBA colleges in India. But, before you enroll, ensure that you have taken account of all the benefits of a full-time MBA programme.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to Prepare for CAT Exam in 2019?

Master’s in Business Administration has been one of the most sought after courses not only in India but also at a global level. Every year lakhs of students aspiring to pursue MBA try to compete for seats in the top MBA courses. There are some national and state level management competitive exams that are mandatory for students to clear in order to get admissions in the top MBA institutes. One of the major exams in CAT (Common Admission Test).

Almost every business schools in India offer admissions in MBA courses as per the scores achieved in CAT examination. This makes this examination very important and critical for the aspiring candidates to get selected in the top MBA programs in India. Since the level of competition is very high, it is essential for the candidates to leave no stones unturned in getting a good score. Clearing the CAT requires a combination of effective strategy and strong basics knowledge.

Strategies on how to prepare for CAT Exam in 2019:

Get your Concepts Clear: The basic strategy that you should follow here is to get your concepts clear. This exam can be successfully cleared if you are good with the basics of Mathematics, Theorems and English.

Practice is the Key: Make sure you do your preparation with the help of various books, journals and other study materials. This will you get acquainted with the latest updates. Timely revision is also very important here.

Mock Tests: There are various mock test series available online. Make sure you have practiced them properly. This will give you an idea about your weaknesses and strengths. You can do a better self-analysis and can take steps to overcome your shortcomings.

Time Management: CAT is a time bound exam and also have negative marking system. So it is very important to ace the time management skills. Read the question paper very carefully and then decide the section which you would like to attempt first. Attempt the questions that you are sure about first.

It’s all about common IQ: CAT has various sections like Data Interpretation, Quantitative Ability, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning. Most of the questions have a very simple and common logic behind them. So make sure you possess a good IQ level for this.

If you are going to attempt CAT for the first time, then it is better to join a coaching center to get an understanding about the exam pattern and marking system. Refer old CAT papers to ace the tactics for cracking it. If you do not wish to join coaching center for the CAT preparation, then you can do your preparations from the info available online. You can also consult with your teachers and seniors regarding this. Stay calm and confident while attempting your exam.